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Talk | "Singing (Sentimental Songs) to the President" | 13.09.23

Heike Paul is participating in an international symposium titled “'You are beautiful, no matter what they say' - Senti­men­tal Ballads in Popu­lar Music" organized by the collaborative research center "Transformations of the Popular (SFB 1472)," which takes place September 13-14, 2023 at the University of Siegen, Germany. Her contribution is part of a panel submitted by herself and other members of the FAU research training group "The Sentimental in Literature, Culture, and Politics, Elsa-Margareta Venzmer, Hana Vrdoljak, and Andrew Wildermuth on "Sentimental Songs as Political Interventions" (September 13, 2023, 4-5:30pm). Heike Paul's contribution "Singing (Sentimental Songs) to the President" will focus on how sentimental songs have been performed for or aimed at the U.S. president, with particular focus on Barbra Streisand's work aimed respectively at Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

For more information on the symposium and a full program, see here.


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