by Heike Paul
Forschung & Lehre
Heike Paul offers a book recommendation - the novel Be Mine (German translation: Valentinstag) by Richard Ford - in the column "Lesezeit/Buchtipps" of the journal Forschung & Lehre.
by Heike Paul
Akademie Aktuell
In this edition of the journal of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Akademie Aktuell, Heike Paul is featured in the journal's book column titled "Lesezeit" ('Reading Time'), answering questions concerning her latest reading, reading suggestions, and habits.
"Wie viel Zensur verträgt die Demokratie?"
by Heike Paul
Einsichten + Perspektiven - Bayerische Zeitschrift für Politik und Geschichte
With a view to the recent surge in book bans in the United States as well as political interference with regard to school curricula - especially concerning matters of race and sexual orientation, this article (written in German) addresses the question of how this kind of censorship threatens to undermine the democratic foundations of the U.S. and American society.
"Preisgekrönter Campusroman": Review of Joshua Cohen's Die Netanjahus
by Heike Paul
Forschung & Lehre
In this German-language article, Heike Paul reviews the German translation of Joshua Cohen's Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family (2021; New York Review Books), published by Schöffling as Die Netanjahus oder vielmehr der Bericht über ein nebensächliches und letztlich sogar unbedeutendes Ereignis in der Geschichte einer sehr berühmten Familie.
Quo Vadis USA? Die umstrittenen Entscheidungen des Supreme Courts
by Heike Paul
Einsichten + Perspektiven - Bayerische Zeitschrift für Politik und Geschichte
July, 2022
Heike Paul provides a commentary on and analysis of the recent controversial decisions of the US Supreme Court - concerning most prominently abortion rights - in the light of the court's conservative majority following the appointment of three conservative Supreme Court justices during the Trump administration.
Aus dem Report der Magd: In real life - die retrotopischen Staaten von Amerika
by Heike Paul
Der Hauptstadtbrief
July 24, 2022
In this article, Heike Paul analyzes the recent decisions of the US Supreme Court, most importantly concerning abortion rights, as part of a general trend in the United States in terms of Zygmunt Bauman's notion of retropy, i.e. as a backward-looking form of utopia.
Männlichkeitsbilder im Krieg gegen die Ukraine
by Heike Paul
Bundeszentrale für Politische
July 4, 2022
An analysis of representations of gender roles in context of the war in Ukraine and their reception in the United States and beyond.
Eine in Vielfalt geeinte Welt? Multikulturalität und Identität: Schlüsselbegriffe der Debatte
by Michael Brenner, Heike Paul, Mathias Rohe, and Barbara Zehnpfennig
Akademie Aktuell
March 2022
The article describes keyterms for a "world united in diversity." Heike Paul's contribution explores the term "melting pot."
Der alte (weiße) Mann und das (gespaltene) Land:
Joe Biden und das Projekt der Versöhnung
by Heike Paul
Geschichte der Gegenwart
January 31, 2021
An analysis of the American political landscape following Joe Biden's inauguration.
Frau Dr.h.c. unerwünscht!
by Sarah Mark and Heike Paul
November 11, 2020
A look at the gender gap in the awarding of honorary doctorates in German academia.
In Wahrheit habe ich als Frau kein Land
by Heike Paul
Süddeutsche Zeitung
August 11, 2020
A comment on the place of women in American democracy and its history.
55 Voices for Democracy: Heike Paul
by Heike Paul
LA Review of Books
April 1, 2020
Contribution to the "55 Voices of Democracy" series organized the Thomas Mann House and the Los Angeles Review of Books. Includes a video of the speech.
Deutungskampf um ein Virus
by Heike Paul
Akademie Aktuell
March 2020
An analysis of the pandemic in the context of American politics and culture.