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Book Chapters & Articles

Book Chapters

Paul, Heike. "Die Deutungsmacht des Sentimentalen in Zukunftsnarrativen."

Zukunftsnarrative: Zur Deutungsmacht kultureller Erzählmuster. Ed. Judith Gärtner, Martina Kumlehn, and Stephanie Wodianka. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024. 31-44.


Paul, Heike. "Der lange Schatten des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs auf die heutige US-Demokratie."

Fragile Demokratien: Was freie Gesellschaften bedroht - und was sie zusammenhält. Ed. Dennis Heuring, Paul-Moritz Rabe, and Mirjam Zadoff. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2024. 111-121.


Paul, Heike. "American Gender Politics and ‘Re-Education’ Abroad and at Home in Postwar Film."

Civilization, Democratization, Containment: Strategies of Re-Education in Imperial Settings and Beyond. Ed. Katharina Gerund and Jana Aresin. Special Issue of The International History Review 46.3. Routledge, 2024. 368-380.


Paul, Heike. "The 'Lost Colony' of Roanoke: The Story of a Beginning and an Ending, an All-American Passion Play, and Many Uncanny Returns."

Figures of Pathos: Festschrift in Honor of Elisabeth Bronfen. Ed. Frauke Berndt, Isabel Karremann, and Klaus Müller-Wille. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2023. 337-352.


Paul, Heike, and Boris Vormann. "Aus der Zeit gefallen? Anachronismen im politischen System der USA."

Die USA - eine liberale Demokratie und ihre Anachronismen. Ed. Heike Paul and Boris Vormann. Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Politik 11. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2023. 7-23.


Paul, Heike. "'All of that Wealth Underneath': How the Logic of Extraction Blocks Discourses of Sustainability in the U.S."

To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality. Ed. Axelle Germanaz, Daniela Gutiérrez Fuentes, Sarah Marak, and Heike Paul. Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. 203-232.


Paul, Heike, and Jennifer Haigh. "'Lots of Troubling Ideologies': A Conversation with Writer Jennifer Haigh About Region, Extractivism, and Nostalgia."

To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality. Ed. Axelle Germanaz, Daniela Gutiérrez Fuentes, Sarah Marak, and Heike Paul. Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. 233-242.


Germanaz, Axelle, Daniela Gutiérrez Fuentes, Sarah Marak, and Heike Paul. "Introduction."

To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality. Ed. Axelle Germanaz, Daniela Gutiérrez Fuentes, Sarah Marak, and Heike Paul. Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. 13-21.


Paul, Heike. "Notes on the Family Separation Narrative in American Literature: Uncle Tom's Cabin, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, and Lost Children Archive."

Affective Worldmaking: Narrative Counterpublics of Gender and Sexuality. Ed. Silvia Schultermandl, Jana Aresin, Si Sophie Pages Whybrew, and Dijana Simic. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 139–148.


Paul, Heike. "The Authority of Experience and Sisterly Affects: Feminist Manifestos - Past and Present."

Gender Studies im Dialog: Transnationale und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Ed. Anna Artwinska and Janine Schulze-Fellmann. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 63–81.


Paul, Heike. "Introduction."

Lexicon of Global Melodrama. Ed. Heike Paul, Sarah Marak, Katharina Gerund, and Marius Henderson. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 13–18.


Paul, Heike. "Gone with the Wind (1939)."

Lexicon of Global Melodrama. Ed. Heike Paul, Sarah Marak, Katharina Gerund, and Marius Henderson. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 63–66.


Paul, Heike. "Love Story (1970)."

Lexicon of Global Melodrama. Ed. Heike Paul, Sarah Marak, Katharina Gerund, and Marius Henderson. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 135-138.


Paul, Heike. "The Piano (1993)."

Lexicon of Global Melodrama. Ed. Heike Paul, Sarah Marak, Katharina Gerund, and Marius Henderson. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 213-216.


Paul, Heike. "The Bridges of Madison County (1995)."

Lexicon of Global Melodrama. Ed. Heike Paul, Sarah Marak, Katharina Gerund, and Marius Henderson. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 225-228.


Paul, Heike. "Einleitung."

Re-Education Revisited: Conflicting Agendas and Cross-Cultural Agency in the Early Cold War. Ed. Heike Paul. Special Issue of Comparativ, 1 (2021): 9-15.


Paul, Heike, Susan Carruthers, and Mire Koikari. "Susan Carruthers, Mire Koikari, Heike Paul: A Conversation about Two Occupations."

Re-Education Revisited: Conflicting Agendas and Cross-Cultural Agency in the Early Cold War. Ed. Heike Paul. Special Issue of Comparativ, 1 (2021): 102-121.


Paul, Heike. "Das kulturelle Selbstverständnis."

Länderbericht USA. Ed. Andrew Denison, Georg Schild, and Miriam Shabafrouz. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2021. 35-46.


Essi, Cedric, Heike Paul and Boris Vormann. "Common Grounds? - A Preface."

Common Grounds? American Democracy after Trump. Ed. Cedric Essi, Heike Paul, and Boris Vormann. Special Issue of Amerikastudien/American Studies, 66.1. Heidelberg: Winter, 2021. 9-14.


Paul, Heike. "'All of That Wealth Underneath': Wie die Logik der Extraktion in den USA Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurse blockiert."

Imaginationen von Nachhaltigkeit. Katastrophe. Krise. Normalisierung. Ed. Frank Adloff, Benno Fladvad, Martina Hasenfratz, and Sighard Neckel. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2020. 91-121.


Paul, Heike. "Introduction."

The Comeback of Populism: Transatlantic Perspectives. Ed. Heike Paul, Ursula Prutsch, and Jürgen Gebhardt. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019. 1-12.

Paul, Heike. "Authoritarian Populism, White Supremacy, and Volkskörper-Sentimentalism."

The Comeback of Populism: Transatlantic Perspectives. Ed. Heike Paul, Ursula Prutsch, and Jürgen Gebhardt. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019. 127-155.

Paul, Heike. "Introduction."

Critical Terms in Futures Studies. Ed. Heike Paul. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 1-4.

Paul, Heike. "Knowledge."

Critical Terms in Futures Studies. Ed. Heike Paul. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 171-177.

Paul, Heike. "Africa in America? Colonial Constructions of African Americans in German Writings about the USA, 1870-1914."

Wissen - Transfer - Differenz: Transnationale und interdiskursive Verflechtungen von Rassismen ab 1700. Ed. Claudia Bruns and Michaela Hampf, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2018. 184-197.

Paul, Heike. "Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Or, Life Among the Lowly (1852)."

Handbook of the American Novel of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Christine Gerhardt. Berlin/Munich/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. 281-297.

Gerund, Katharina, and Heike Paul. "Sentimentalism."

Handbook of the American Novel of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Christine Gerhardt. Berlin/Munich/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. 17-33.

Paul, Heike. "'Schwarze Sklaven, Weiße Sklaven': The German Reception of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'."

Uncle Tom's Cabins - The Transnational History of America's Most Mutable Book. Ed. Tracy C. Davis and Stefka Mihaylova. Ann Arbor, USA: U of Michigan P, 2018. 192-222.

Paul, Heike. "Public Feeling, Tacit Knowledge, and Civil Sentimentalism in Contemporary US Culture."

Projecting American Studies: Essays on Theory, Method, and Practice. Ed. Frank Kelleter and Alexander Starre. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018. 165-179.

Paul, Heike. "Abe Meets Alois: Post-1945 Bavarian (Re-)Education."

German-American Encounters in Bavaria and Beyond, 1945–2015. Ed. Birgit M. Bauridl, Ingrid Gessner, and Udo J. Hebel. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018. 67-86.

Engel, Juliane, and Heike Paul. "Implizites Wissen im interdisziplinären Diskurs."

Handbuch Schweigendes Wissen: Erziehung, Bildung, Sozialisation und Lernen. Ed. Anja Kraus et al. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 2017. 107-119.

Lösch, Klaus, and Heike Paul. "Präsenz und Fremdheit."

Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Ed. Friederike Offizier, Marc Priewe, and Ariane Schröder. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 325-360.

Lösch, Klaus, and Heike Paul. "Dimensions of Tacit Knowledge and the Art(s) of Explication in Siri Hustvedt's Works."

Zones of Focused Ambiguity in Siri Hustvedt's Works: Interdisciplinary Essays. Ed. Christine Marks, Johanna Hartmann, and Hubert Zapf. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2016. 133-152.

Paul, Heike. "Das Geschlecht der Serie."

Noch einmal anders: Zu einer Poetik des Seriellen. Ed. Elisabeth Bronfen. Zürich: Diaphanes, 2016. 151-162.

Paul, Heike. "Tacit Knowledge, Public Feeling, and the Pursuits of (Un-)Happiness."

Revealing Tacit Knowledge: Embodiment and Explication. Ed. Frank Adloff, Katharina Gerund, and David Kaldewey, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015. 197-222.

Gerund, Katharina, and Heike Paul. "Einleitung."

Die amerikanische Reeducation-Politik nach 1945: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf "America's Germany". Ed. Katharina Gerund and Heike Paul. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015. 7-18.

Kley, Antje, and Heike Paul. "Rural America: An Introduction."

Rural America. Ed. Antje Kley and Heike Paul. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2015. 1-11.

Paul, Heike. "Critical Regionalism and Post-Exceptionialist American Studies."

Towards a Post-Exceptionalist American Studies. Ed. Winfried Fluck and Don Pease. Tübingen: Narr, 2014. 397-424.

Paul, Heike. "'Race,' Racism, and Tacit Knowing."

American Studies Today. Ed. Winfried Fluck et al. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2014. 263-287.

Paul, Heike. "Kolumbus."

Metzler Lexikon moderner Mythen. Ed. Stephanie Wodianka and Juliane Ebert. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2014. 225-230.

Paul, Heike. "Working through Whiteness."

Sabine Broeck: Plotting against Modernity: Critical Interventions in Race and Gender. Ed. Karin Esders, Insa Härtel, and Carsten Junker. Sulzbach/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer, 2014. 219-222.

Lösch, Klaus, and Heike Paul. "Präsenz, implizites Wissen und Fremdheit aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive."

Präsenz und implizites Wissen: Zur Interdependenz zweier Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ed. Christoph Ernst and Heike Paul. Bielefeld: transcript, 2013. 151-183.

Paul, Heike, and Christoph Ernst. "Einleitung."

Präsenz und implizites Wissen: Zur Interdependenz zweier Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013. 9-32.

Paul, Heike. "Out of Chatham : Abolitionism on the Canadian Frontier."

Abolitionist Places. Ed. Martha Schoolman and Jared Hickman. London: Routledge, 2013. 32-55.

Paul, Heike. "The German Reception of Black Writing and Black Authorship in the 18th and 19th Century."

Germany and the Black Diaspora: Points of Contact, 1250 - 1914. Ed. Micha Honeck, Martin Klimke, Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov. New York: Berghahn, 2013. 115-133.

Paul, Heike. "Remembering the Fugitive as a Foundational Figure? The (Black) Canadian Narrative Revisited."

Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives: Figures of Mobility in the US and Beyond. Ed. Alexandra Ganser, Katharina Gerund, and Heike Paul. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 259-278.

Paul, Heike, and Christina Hein. "The Fugitive as an Anti-Foundational Figure: 'Going Native' in Early America."

Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives: Figures of Mobility in the US and Beyond. Ed. Alexandra Ganser, Katharina Gerund, and Heike Paul. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 229-258.

Ganser, Alexandra, Katharina Gerund, and Heike Paul. "Introduction."

Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives: Figures of Mobility in the US and Beyond. Ed. Alexandra Ganser, Katharina Gerund, and Heike Paul. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 11-27.

Paul, Heike. "Das Unheimliche und die Präsenz: Fremdheit in der US-amerikanischen Gegenwartsliteratur und -kultur."

Phänomene der Fremdheit. Ed. Simone Broders, Susanne Gruß, and Stefanie Waldow. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012. 95-116.

Paul, Heike. "Ein Toast auf den Frieden."

BrotZeiten. Ed. Siegfried Beck. Erlangen: Edition Spielbein, 2010. 70-71.

Paul, Heike. "Mobility between Boston and Berlin: How Germans Have Read and Reread Narratives of American Slavery."

Cultural Mobility. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, Ines Zupanov, and Heike Paul. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009. 122-171.

Paul, Heike. "Postkolonialismus."

Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Ed. Oda Wischmeyer et al. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009. 442.

Paul, Heike. "New Criticism."

Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Ed. Oda Wischmeyer et al., Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009. 418.

Paul, Heike. "Literary Criticism."

Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Ed. Oda Wischmeyer, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009. 367.

Lösch, Klaus, and Heike Paul. "Captive Women and Praying Indians: Koloniale Hermeneutik und Transdifferenz in Texten der frühen amerikanischen Kolonialzeit."

Kulturhermeneutik: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zum Umgang mit kultureller Differenz. Ed. Christian Ernst, Walter Sparn, Hedwig Wagner. München: Fink, 2008. 125-158.

Paul, Heike. "Feminist Chicks?: Chick lit als (post)feministische Populärkultur."

Screening Gender: Geschlechterszenarien in der gegenwärtigen US-amerikanischen Populärkultur. Ed. Heike Paul and Alexandra Ganser. Münster: Lit-Verlag, 2007. 59-74.

Paul, Heike, and Alexandra Ganser. "Einleitung."

Screening Gender: Geschlechterszenarien in der gegenwärtigen US-amerikanischen Populärkultur. Ed. Heike Paul and Alexandra Ganser. Münster: Lit, 2007. 1-5.

Paul, Heike. "Not 'On the Backs of Blacks': US-American (Im)Migration and Jewish Diaspora in the German-Language Writings of Jeannette Lander."

Multilingual America: Transnationalism, Ethnicity, and the Languages of American Literature. Ed. Werner Sollors. New York: New York UP, 1998. 281-296.

Journa Articles

Journal Articles

Paul, Heike. "A Trajectory of Billboard Poetry in America: From 'Burma Shave'-Roadside Advertisement to 'Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri'."

Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik 2 (2021): 317-343. (Special Issue: Contemporary Lyric Poetry in Transitions between Genres and Media, edited by Ralph Müller und Henrieke Stahl). 


Paul, Heike. "Out of Chatham: Abolitionism on the Canadian Frontier."

Atlantic Studies 8.2 (2011): 165-188.

Paul, Heike. "Old, New and 'Neo' Immigrant Fictions in American Literature: The Immigrant Presence in David Guterson' s Snow Falling on Cedars and T.C. Boyle's The Tortilla Curtain."

Amerikastudien 46.2 (2001): 249-65.


Paul, Heike. "The Rhetoric and Romance of Mobility."

Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 49.3 (2001): 216-24.





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