The volume To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality, edited by Heike Paul together with Axelle Germanaz, Daniela Gutiérrez Fuentes, and Sarah Marak, is out now! This volume, which is the second in transcript's "Global Sentimentality"-Series, edited by Heike Paul - examines in various articles, how the sentimental mode is employed in different discourses, cultural narratives, and cultural practices to both promote and challenge various forms of extractivism. Heike Paul's own contribution is titled "'All of that Wealth Underneath': How the Logic of Extraction Blocks Discourses of Sustainability in the U.S." The volume also contains an interview Heike Paul conducted with writer Jennifer Haigh who addressed the consequences of extractivism in her novel Heat and Light.
For more information on the publication, see here.
