Heike Paul is featured in a number of interviews (in German) in the context of the US presidential elections:
#whatthefact, interview posted in the form of several reels on Instagram (Nov. 1, 2024) (e.g. here, here, and here)
Herman Weiß's online culture magazine 0941MAG with an interview titled "Heike Paul zum Showdown in den USA" (Nov. 2, 2024) (available here)
German radio station Bayern 2 as part of the program "Nah Dran", hosted by Verena Fiebiger, with a specific focus on the effects of sentimental feelings in politics (Nov. 5, 2024) (available here)
German daily newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten (print Nov. 7, 2024, online Nov. 6, 2024) (available here)
Events connected to the topic of the U.S. presidential elections:
"America Votes, Europe Watches: The Future of Transatlantic Relations" organized by the International Institute for Peace and the Sir Peter Ustinov Institut, Vienna, Nov. 11, 2024; panel discussion with Heike Paul, Vivien Schmidt (Boston University), Heinz Gärtner (University of Vienna), and Tamara Kamatovic (Central European University); For more information, see here.
"Die USA nach der Wahl" ('The U.S. after the Election') at Evangelische Akademikerschaft Deutschland e.V., online presentation, Nov. 14, 2024. For more information, see here.