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Interviews/Events | U.S. Presidential Elections - Outlook and Post-Election | 05.11.2024

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

Heike Paul is featured in a number of interviews (in German) in the context of the US presidential elections:

  • #whatthefact, interview posted in the form of several reels on Instagram (Nov. 1, 2024) (e.g. here, here, and here)

  • Herman Weiß's online culture magazine 0941MAG with an interview titled "Heike Paul zum Showdown in den USA" (Nov. 2, 2024) (available here)

  • German radio station Bayern 2 as part of the program "Nah Dran", hosted by Verena Fiebiger, with a specific focus on the effects of sentimental feelings in politics (Nov. 5, 2024) (available here)

  • German daily newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten (print Nov. 7, 2024, online Nov. 6, 2024) (available here)

Events connected to the topic of the U.S. presidential elections:

  • "America Votes, Europe Watches: The Future of Transatlantic Relations" organized by the International Institute for Peace and the Sir Peter Ustinov Institut, Vienna, Nov. 11, 2024; panel discussion with Heike Paul, Vivien Schmidt (Boston University), Heinz Gärtner (University of Vienna), and Tamara Kamatovic (Central European University); For more information, see here.

  • "Die USA nach der Wahl" ('The U.S. after the Election') at Evangelische Akademikerschaft Deutschland e.V., online presentation, Nov. 14, 2024. For more information, see here.


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