Heike Paul, together with Liam Kennedy (Clinton Institute, University College Dublin), will chair a panel discussion titled "U.S. Midterm Elections 2022: Who Won, Who Lost?". The panelists are Jennifer Cassidy (University of Oxford), Katja Ridderbusch (an independent journalist based in Atlanta, GA), and Marion McKeone (a journalist with the Business Post). They will take a closer look at factors that likely determined the outcome of the election, at the performance of individual candidates and what this ultimately means for Joe Biden's agenda, democracy in the United States, and the transatlantic relations.
The panel discussion will take place on Thursday, November 10, 2022 and will be lifestreamed via YouTube. For more information on the event and access to the lifestream, see here.
For more coverage of and commentary on the Midterms in German, see also Heike Paul's appearance on an issue of the Podcast series "Der Tag" on German radio station hr info titled "Midterms in den USA - Wird Biden lahmgelegt?" ( which can be accessed here), as well as an interview in the local newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten titled "Warum Donald Trump geschwächt aus den Kongresswahlen geht" (see here).
