Heike Paul is chairing a panel discussion titled "Verzichten Müssen" ('Having to Do Without') with renowned business journalist and author of the 2022 book Das Ende des Kapitalismus Ulrike Herrmann and award-winning writer and novelist Karen Duve, author of Anständig Essen ('Eating Properly' - or also 'Decently'). The panel is hosted by the Schelling Forum Würzburg, a cooperation of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) and the University Würzburg, coordinated by Prof. Wolfgang Riedel and Heike Paul, and serves as kickoff event for the new BAdW-working group on "Semantiken des Verzichts" ('Semantics of Doing Without'). The panel will take place on April 26, 2023, at 7:00 pm at the Gartenpavillon of the Julius Spital. It is open to the public and will also be live-streamed via BAdW. A recording of the event is available here.
For more information on the event, see here.
