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Oct 15, 2023
Publication/Podcast | "How Much Censorship Can A Democracy Take?" | 16.10.23
Heike Paul has published an article titled "Wie viel Zensur verträgt die Demokratie?" in the German-language journal Einsichten +...

Sep 27, 2023
Interview | U.S. Automobile Workers and the Upcoming Presidential Elections | 27.09.23
The German radio station WDR 5 aired an interview with Heike Paul during their show "Morgenecho" about the visits of both President Joe...

Nov 28, 2022
Interview | Washington Post Article on Berlin subway stop "Onkel Tom's Hütte" | 27.11.22
Heike Paul was interviewed for an article by Meena Venkataramanan in the Washington Post, titled "A Berlin subway stop is called 'Uncle...

Nov 1, 2022
Interview | "Halloween" on Franken Fernsehen | 31.10.22
Heike Paul was interviewed by the local TV station Franken Fernsehen about the origins of Halloween. To watch the segment, see here.
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