Aug 7, 2023Talk | "Singing (Sentimental Songs) to the President" | 13.09.23Heike Paul is participating in an international symposium titled “'You are beautiful, no matter what they say' - Sentimental Ballads...
Jul 11, 2023Talk | "1619 and African American Literatures" at IAUPE 2023 at Rome | 13.07.2023At this year's conference of the International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE) which takes place in Rome July 10...
Jul 11, 2023Review | New Review of Heike Paul's "Amerikanischer Staatsbürgersentimentalismus" | 11.07.2023The current issue of the journal Amerikastudien/American Studies (vol. 68.2, 2023) (a special issue on Capitalist Crisis Poetry: Lyric...
Jul 6, 2023Publication | To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality | 27.07.23The volume To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality, edited by Heike Paul together with Axelle Germanaz,...
Jun 28, 2023Event | Roundtable Discussion "Environmental Citizenship as 'Doing Without'?" | 08.07.23At this year's conference of the Bavarian American Academy on "Environmental Citizenship: Politics, Practices, Representations," taking...
Jun 12, 2023Event | "Affective Landscapes - Photography and Cinema of the American West" | 15.06.23Heike Paul participates in an event hosted by the Thomas Mann House, Los Angeles and co-presented by the Getty Research Institute: a...